¿Captain Cosmos a HBO?

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Hace unos días cuando se hablaba de la posibilidad de que George R.R. Martin trabajara en un proyecto estelarizado por la eterna Milla Jovovich (In the Lost Lands) ya comentábamos que los fans de A song of Ice and Fire que se han cansado de esperar por un nuevo libro se iban a volver locos.


Parece que eso no le quita el sueño al carnicero de Santa Fe, tampoco a Home Box Office, aún si George R.R. no escribirá episodios de la temporada seis, dejará de asistir a tantas convenciones y acaba de liberar el capítulo Alayne de "The Winds of Winter"


“Having The Winds of Winter published before season 6 of Thrones airs next spring “has been important to me all along, I wish it was out now. Maybe I’m being overly optimistic about how quickly I can finish. But I canceled two convention appearances, I’m turning down a lot more interviews—anything I can do to clear my decks and get this done.”


¿Captain Cosmos a HBO?
alayne - parte de Winds of Winter

A pesar de que promete por fin terminar los libros, quiere explorar todas las avenidas que el éxito le proporciona y ahora habla de llevar Captain Cosmos A HBO

“At the dawn of the age of TV in 1949, a visionary young writer creates a science fiction series that tells stories no one else will dare to tell.”

Eso sí, prometen que es una propiedad intelectual cuyo desarrollo no ocupará mucho tiempo del autor, quien admite que se arrepiente de no haber aprovechado la inercia que tenía en 2011 tras terminar A Dance with Dragons.

“I was red hot on the book and I put it aside for six months” he says. “I was so into it. I was pushing so hard that I was writing very well. I should have just gone on from there, because I was so into it and it was moving so fast then. But I didn’t because I had to switch gears into the editing phase and then the book tour. The iron does cool off, for me especially.”


Milla Jovovich + George R. R. Martin = In The Lost Lands