Nuevo poster para Earth to Echo #earthtoecho

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Earth to Echo, ciencia ficción y redes sociales

Ya se acerca el estreno de esta cinta reminiscente de Gremlins, E.T. El extraterrestre, Super 8 de Dave Green.


El lugar donde los tres inseparables amigos, Tuck, Munch y Alex  han crecido, se ve amenazado por un proyecto de una nueva carretera, lo que obligará a las familias a buscar nuevos hogares, cuando quedan sólo dos días para decir adiós, sus teléfonos  captan un señal críptica.


Earth to Echo

Nuevo poster para Earth to Echo



Este es el famoso "eco"



Tuck, Munch and Alex are a closely bonded trio of inseparable friends, but their time together is coming to an end. Their neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just two days before they must part ways, the boys find a cryptic signal has infected their phones.

Convinced something bigger is going on and looking for one final adventure together, they set off to trace the messages to their source and discover something beyond their wildest imaginations: hiding in the darkness is a mysterious being, stranded on Earth, and wanted by the government.

This launches the boys on an epic journey full of danger and wonder, one that will test the limits of their friendship and change all of their lives forever.

Starring Teo Halm, Brian “Astro” Bradley, Reese Hartwig and Ella Linnea Wahlestedt, director Dave Green’s EARTH TO ECHO