The PHD Movie 2: Still in Grad School #PHDcomics

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Ese tan añejo webcomic : PHD comics regresó a hacer una segunda cinta, por aquí fuimos backers en Kickstarter (al final del día aportamos 3,962 fuentes, para un total de 163,442 dolares, si la TV abierta quiebra es porque nunca antes habíamos tenido tanta oportunidad de elegir lo que creemos que vale la pena) y teníamos meses esperando un espacio para ver esta secuela.

The PHD Movie 2: Still in Grad School
The PHD Movie 2:
Still in Grad School

Hemos de decir que en esta ocasión lo insular que puede ser se le nota mucho más, las referencias a viejos números del webcomic, el humor tan de nicho, ya estaban ahí en la primera entrega, pero ahora son muy evidentes, puede ser una virtud para su público objetivo, pero no dejan de limitar el tamaño de la audiencia que podría disfrutarla.

The PHD Movie 2: Still in Grad School
The PHD Movie 2:
Still in Grad School

En esta ocasión, nuestros eternos protagonistas, Cecilia, de nueva cuenta Alexandra Lockwood, se ve obligada a por fin salir del posgrado, su asesor se va de sabático y no puede esperar otro año para reanudar su vida, mientras que el protagonista que podría ser Jorge Cham, pero de quien no sabemos el nombre, asiste a una conferencia con todo el equipo del profesor Smith, ambos están en la búsqueda del significado, ¿lo que hacen de verdad es útil?

No es noticia que muchos estudiantes de posgrado sienten estas dudas, tampoco lo es que muchos se deprimen, por eso esta cinta es tan poderosa con su audiencia, esa duda no asalta a muchos otros, los que estudian un MBA o sólo están ahí para justificar una beca.


Merece dos notas : Para la audiencia general es un cinco, para su público onjetivo, es un nueve muy merecido, con espacio para trabajo futuro.

The Nameless Grad Student and his group must travel to an important academic conference and square off against a rival group as they compete for results and grant money. Meanwhile, Cecilia's advisor is going on sabbatical, which means she has to finish writing her thesis or be stuck in grad school another year. It's a comedy.
The Nameless Grad Student and his group must travel to an important academic conference and square off against a rival group as they compete for results and grant money. Meanwhile, Cecilia's advisor is going on sabbatical, which means she has to finish writing her thesis or be stuck in grad school another year. It's a comedy.

Whereas the first movie was about creativity and passion, the theme of the second movie will be the Quest for Significance (significant results, feeling significant). The general plot finds Cecilia about to submit and defend her thesis. Expect lots of jokes about the agony of writing, dealing with your committee, more jokes about being a Teaching Assistant and overcoming the dreaded Impostor Syndrome.
Whereas the first movie was about creativity and passion, the theme of the second movie will be the Quest for Significance (significant results, feeling significant). The general plot finds Cecilia about to submit and defend her thesis. Expect lots of jokes about the agony of writing, dealing with your committee, more jokes about being a Teaching Assistant and overcoming the dreaded Impostor Syndrome.
Whereas the first movie was about creativity and passion, the theme of the second movie will be the Quest for Significance (significant results, feeling significant). The general plot finds Cecilia about to submit and defend her thesis. Expect lots of jokes about the agony of writing, dealing with your committee, more jokes about being a Teaching Assistant and overcoming the dreaded Impostor Syndrome.
Whereas the first movie was about creativity and passion, the theme of the second movie will be the Quest for Significance (significant results, feeling significant). The general plot finds Cecilia about to submit and defend her thesis. Expect lots of jokes about the agony of writing, dealing with your committee, more jokes about being a Teaching Assistant and overcoming the dreaded Impostor Syndrome.



#phdmovie #kickstarter


Written and Produced by PHD Comics creator Jorge Cham ( and directed by Iram Bilal (, The PHD Movie 2 takes a smart and funny look at the world of Academia through the eyes of four grad students.

Starring Alexandra Lockwood, Ph.D. and Raj Katti.
Music by: TEAMRKT (

Filmed at Caltech ( and with the support of The Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (