Literally Everything Else From Your Childhood: The Movie by Wil Wheaton#SDCC

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¿Ya está suficientemente explotada tu nostalgia?

Esta es la mirada irónica de alguien que trabajo en Star Trek (gracias Javo) TNG y hacía tours por las convenciones desde muy joven.

Wil Wheaton hace estes programa una vez a la semana en Syfi


Hollywood is riding the nostalgia train to pandertown, and after TMNT, GI Joe, Battleship, and the upcoming Candyland (!?) movie, we at the Wil Wheaton Project believe it's finally time for the most pandering nostalgia film of all time: Literally Everything Else From Your Childhood: The Movie!



Wil Wheaton on dealing with being called a nerd
The Happiest Days of Our Lives – Wil Wheaton